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Little Steps Simeonovo


Private Kindergarten “Little Steps” – Simeonovo accepts children year-round until all spots are filled. For current information on available spots, please call the following numbers:
0896645504 – Albena Dalkalacheva (Principal) or
0885138850 – Tsvetelina Ivanova (Administrative Assistant)

Children completing Little steps preschool group who wish to apply for 1st grade at Azbuki Primary school have to take a mandatory school readiness test that will determine their acceptance into the school.

Little Steps Simeonovo

Required Documents for Admission

  1. A copy of the child’s birth certificate.
  2. A health card with all vaccinations recorded (a copy of the immunization passport).
  3. A personal outpatient card for preventive examinations.
  4. A note from the child’s personal doctor stating that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients, issued 3 days before the child starts at the kindergarten.
  5. Blood and urine tests, certified with a stamp and signature from a laboratory.
  6. Microbiological and parasitological tests, certified with a stamp and signature from a laboratory.
  7. A declaration for the individuals who are allowed to pick up the child from the kindergarten.
  8. A registration form (link below, admission application).
  9. A signed contract.

For more information

Information on issues related to vacancies and admission to the kindergarten can be obtained by calling:

0885 138 850  |  0896 645 504


To apply for the kindergarten, a parent must fill out the following electronic Admissions Application:

→ Admission application

Let's take Little Steps together!

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